德国霍尼贝尔 ( HonnenBarr ) 全套引进德国钢制板式散热器生产线,全自动喷涂生产线,设备先进、生产工艺领先 , 制造的钢制板式散热器为住建部推荐的环保节能产品。产品表面采用无磷涂装工艺,采用的 YL-701 和 YL-702 无磷药液 , 为各个国家环保部推荐产品,经过欧盟 VOC、欧盟ROTH、欧盟SGS和ISO9000认证,产品无刺激性气味,无重金属污染,在同行业中处于领先水平。产品遍布美国、日本、德国、韩国、捷克等国家,大型工程客户包含西门子、松下、阿自倍尔、力士乐、三美等知名企业。散热器钢板厚度达 1.2 毫米,其独特的对流片设计,能增加 3 倍左的散热面积,使产品更节能、更高效、更温暖!
1882 Schorch GmbH of Germany was born to produce high-pressure mechanical equipment and driving equipment;
1962 Put into production the first fully automatic steel plate radiator production line named after Schorch of Germany;
1993 Honnen Barr, a German brand owned by Schorch, was exported to Dalian, China for the first time;
1998 Set up import and export trade company in China to build logistics and storage base;
2011 China headquarters of honnenbarr successfully won the bid for zone a of MCC Dalian international business city;
2014 German honnen Barr's steel plate radiator won the "product Gold Award" issued by heating radiator Committee of China Building Metal Structure Association;
2017 German honnenbarr technicians were invited to participate in the revision of Chinese industry standard steel plate radiator jg2-2007;
2018 Honnen Barr has obtained the world-renowned Lloyd's register of quality;
2019 Honnenbarr China headquarters successfully won the bid for Wanda Plaza Project in Suzhou.